Limited Liability Partnership
Power Law Solicitors LLP operates as a limited liability partnership, established in the Republic of Ireland. Power Law LLP is regulated by the Law Society of Ireland and authorised by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority to operate as a limited liability partnership under the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015.
As set out in the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015, (subject to the exceptions listed therein), a Partner in Power Law Solicitors LLP, has no personal liability for any debts, liabilities or obligations which are incurred for the purpose of carrying on the business of Power Law Solicitors LLP (whether these are liabilities of Power Law Solicitors LLP, of himself or herself, of another partner/member or partners or members in Power Law Solicitors LLP or of any employee, agent or representative of Power Law Solicitors LLP) and however such liability may arise.
The above relates only to the personal liability of Partners and does not prevent or restrict the enforcement against the property of Power Law Solicitors LLP of any debt, liability or obligation. The Partnership Act 1890 (Ireland) applies to Power Law Solicitors LLP to the extent that it is not inconsistent with Chapter 3 of Part 8 of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015.
Power Law Solicitors LLP holds a policy of professional indemnity insurance with Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.
Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty is the UK branch of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE,
Königinstrasse 28, 80802 München, Germany (Company No. HRB 808312). Authorised by Bundesanstalt für
Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority). The UK Branch office is
at 60 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V OHR